As you all know by now, our third annual National Handbag Day is this Saturday, October 10, and we’re celebrating all week with fun stuff like handbag histories, our favorite gucci replica handbags PurseForum threads and closer looks at what our bag choices replica handbags say about us. Today, though, we’re turning over the floor to you. If you want longchamp outlet advice on which bag to pick for fall, feel curious about replica chanel the state of the market or just want to chit chat in general, Megs and I will be in the comments until 2 p.m., answering everything we can, live! If you miss that window, leave your question anyway–we’ll get to as many as we can.
As you all know by now, our third annual National Handbag Day is this Saturday, October 10, and we’re celebrating all week with fun stuff like handbag histories, our favorite gucci replica handbags PurseForum threads and closer looks at what our bag choices replica handbags say about us. Today, though, we’re turning over the floor to you. If you want longchamp outlet advice on which bag to pick for fall, feel curious about replica chanel the state of the market or just want to chit chat in general, Megs and I will be in the comments until 2 p.m., answering everything we can, live! If you miss that window, leave your question anyway–we’ll get to as many as we can.