Friday, March 16, 2012

Roshi, You Pervert

Here's the first comic I ever made! Android 18 is showing off her new bikini to Krillin, then Roshi goes too far with his pervyness, and #18 knocks ths shit out of him for it. Will Roshi ever learn? Obviously not.:laughing:

And no, Krillin. NONE of us can believe you're hittin' that.:rofl:

Princess Peach's Castle

I've been feeling nostalgic lately, so I've been playing Super Mario 64 DS. While playing it, I think,"maybe I should try drawing Peach's castle," and as you see, I did. The thing is, it was a real pain in the ass to draw it. I wanted to draw it in the prespective of seeing the castle along with the waterfall and showing the landscape. But I had no good refrences to show me what I was looking for. I had to play the game and have Mario stand in different positions and have him fly around in order to get a vew of what I was gonna draw. I started drawing the castle surroundings first before moving on to the castle itself. I was originally gonna draw a brick pattern in the castle, but it was too much of a pain in the ass to do, so I had another idea. The lineart had a lot of smudges to clean up before I could color it. (I was erasing things too damn much.) When I first colored the walls and roof of the castle, I thought that flat colors along with some shading made it look too boring and undetailed. But that was nothing that mosaic tiles and craquelure couldn't fix.:D The stained-glass window with Peach was interesting to do. Coloing everything else was easy, til I got to the waterfall. I ended up with this, and I'm not completely happy with it, but it was the best I could come up with. I like how I was able to get the picture to look, especially since I'm not used to drawing enviornments or landscapes, so I'm happy with it.